If you are interested in learning WordPress or if you need additional training to use or manage your WordPress website you can count on us. If you want to build a website, WordPress is one of the easiest platforms to use. We will help you with everything that you need in order to get your website done. We will teach you how to build your website step by step from the beginning until it is done.
WordPress Tutoring San Francisco will help you with:
choosing a good web hosting company;
- a good domain name specific for your niche;
- then I will show you how to install and configure your WordPress website;
- choose a WP theme;
- teach how to customize your WP theme;
- change colors, frame size;
- teach you what plug-ins to use and how to configure them;
- get and configure the pictures and the videos that you want to use;
- show you how to post, change and create content for your WP website;
- optimize your onsite SEO;
- create different slides with your pictures;
- and much more.
When you will be done with the course, you will have a complete functional WP website. If you want we can even teach you SEO and how to market your website, chose your keywords, and much more.
I can’t teach more than 2 persons at a time, because I won’t be able to work efficiently. If you want us to teach you how to create a website you can get in contact with us by filling the contact form, or by sending us an email at [email protected].
Don’t forget WordPress tutoring San Francisco is here to help you! We can go and help you with the tutoring in San Francisco, South San Francisco, Oakland. We can also help other people in other locations with the help of different softwares like TeamViewer, Zoom or Skype.